Moments | our reflective space
The first sip of tea or coffee in the morning,
Eating a toastie made specially for me,
Kicking autumn leaves along the street,
Seeing the Evening Star as night comes down,
Receiving an unexpected smile from a friend,
Breathing in the scent of a rose,
Patting a friendly dog,
Singing 'happy birthday' out of key,
Sitting with friends at a table for lunch,
Drinking a smoothie from the truck,
Receiving a nod that means I'm understood.
Moments like this happen all the time
Every day of our lives -
Moments that wake up
The deepest parts of ourselves,
Reminding us, connecting us
To being present right here, right now.
Maureen Burke IBVM
Cana Reflection 13.10.21
Charlie Chaplin