Community annual appeal 2023

Every dollar makes a difference.

Cana Communities takes its mission seriously, for the last 48 years we have committed to nurturing and offering friendship to all of those we meet.

Our mission.

We care for marginalised adults, those who have been missed in the system, or who have not had stable or positive role modelling. Our holistic approach to care for these individuals provides the opportunity for our residents and our broader “outreach” community to enjoy safe housing, improve their mental and physical health as well as encouraging education and employment.

Their stories are most often heart wrenching, and it is gratifying to see them feeling hopeful as they are often overlooked or seen as “too late to help”.

It’s about connection.

Recently some of our leadership team attended a mental health conference, where the theme was ‘Connection is the Cure’. Listening to medico’s, health workers and Corrections staff confirmed that they now understand that medical treatment alone will not solve mental ill health and addiction; that the missing piece of the jigsaw puzzle is community connection. This is the Cana mission.

Help us raise essential funds.

Cana is suffering under the burden of increased costs and lower donation income. In particular, we are affected by increased rents & utilities for our seven transitional homes and the farm, our social enterprise in Orchard Hill.

Our dream for the coming year is to raise $400,000 and like many charities, we need your financial support to continue our work.

Focus for our community over the coming months is to increase our holistic care by funding more education and create work opportunities within our enterprise. Our enterprise is not-for-profit and certainly does not create the income from sales we require to grow employment. If we can receive sufficient donations to support more people, we can then change the cycle into which they were born, enabling them to better their health and know the dignity of work. It is a bonus that we reduce their need to lean on the government services.


“I have spent years in boy’s homes and institutions and I’m now in my 40’s and have found a community that loves me and sees my potential. I want to give back, and now I can see the abuse I experienced all my life will help me support others”.

Resident, de Porres (our Darlinghurst house).


Every dollar makes a difference.

Cana is a charity that chooses to maintain our financial independence, therefore we neither seek nor receive government aid. In pursuing our mission, we are committed to ensuring that every dollar that we receive makes a difference to the life of someone with nothing.

Thank you for believing in Cana’s mission and for giving life to those who have so little.

Cana Communities


To make a tax-deductible donation, you can:  

  • click on the “DONATE NOW” tab at the top of the page;

  • make a deposit directly to our account: Cana Communities Inc.
    BSB: 082 080, Account No.: 52 754 9972; or

  • send a cheque to Cana Communities Inc. at PO Box 1651 Strawberry Hills NSW 2012, made payable to “Cana Communities Inc.”

Please be sure to provide your details to receive a receipt, as all donations over $2.00 are tax deductible.


We are all seeking acceptance.


Podcast: Talking Transformative Love