Community updates.
Threads | our reflective space
Tied up, undone, in sorrow and joy, on paths untrodden and broad highways. We make our way, tangled and weaving.
Reaching out for community support
As I write this letter, COVID-19 is again on the move, and we are having to close our houses to visitors. This is always heart-wrenching for the community.
Stay well, stay connected
Over the last few months Cana has experienced significant change. Here we share how our community continues to stay well, and connected.
Compassion and kindness
In this edition, compassion and kindness... 2020 is finally coming to an end and I think the world is collectively exhausted.
Supporting and celebrating the homeless
ABC Radio, Conversations Broadcast. Sister Anne Jordan of Cana Communities talks with Richard Fidler, and Sarah Kanowski.